Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Kiss and Weight loss:

Fat man saw an ad in a newspaper.....

"lose 5kg in a week"

He calls the company & lady says

" be ready tomorrow at 6am."

The next morning he opens the door

finds a beautiful girl with shoes & skirt saying ,

"u catch me u kiss me!"

& the girl starts running...

He starts running but doesn't catch her.

During the whole week he tried to catch her but
couldn't. However he loses 5 kg.

He then asks for the 10kg program.

Next morning at 6 am he opens the door
sees an even more beautiful girl in shoes & a skirt saying

"u catch me , u kiss me".

He loses 10 kg that week.

So he thought this program is awesome!
Lets try the 25 kg!

So he asked for the 25 kg
but the lady said "R u sure? its really tough !!!! ".

he said "YES!"

Next day at 6 am he opens the door,
he finds a Negro guy saying


"If I catch u, I will kiss u..!"

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